السبت، يونيو 28، 2008

Vista trouble!

Microsoft Vista still has trouble being adopted by companies as the corporate operating system. Some big names, such as Intel, also decided not to upgrade.
Being in the IT business and based on users feedback, I am not surprised! Although the "look"was enhanced to a Mac-Like interface, there are many problems with Vista. It is memory hungry, very slow, and its security is a pain in the "neck". No wonder some companies started a downgrade option for Vista like the Sony Vaio. (There is already a service pack for Vista !)
Personally, I am much comfortable using XP over Vista. I have XP in the office and Vista at home (it came pre-installed on my laptop). Although my office compouter is 2 almost years older than my personal laptop and has less memory and more programs installed, I still feel more comfortable working with it. I admin that I am also much used to XP than Vista.

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